Learn to easily self-host your projects and third-party apps

Step by step course to deploy your own Vercel-like platform in minutes

Serverless problems

Unpredictable Pricing

Costs are based on complex usage metrics: number of calls, duration execution, bandwidth usage and many more!

Technical Limitations

Cold starts, API function timeouts, real time and cron-jobs are limitations getting in the way of your app.

Profit margins

Services like vercel / planetscale free tier is a marketing strategy to get you in. They need to make money, and they will big time.

Multiplication of Services

Hosting, databases, analytics, monitoring, Redis, search... will cost you at least $50-$100 per month for the whole package.

Billing Horror Stories

Attacks or mistakes can easily lead to hundreds or thousands of dollars usage bills in a few hours.

Policy Stability Issues

Providers can change their policies, APIs, deprecate services unexpectedly or they can go bankrupt.

Self hosting, better than you think! 💪

Save money

Control your costs, no more surprises or horror stories to worry about, install free apps instead of paying for more and more SaaS subscriptions

Easy to setup

Using this course, we will see how to setup your own hosting platform in minutes with a great UI

Great developer experience

Automatic deployments and preview environments on commit push, no-downtime updates and more

Third party apps

An entire ecosystem of apps to install for free, from analytics to search, monitoring, databases and more

Automatic backups

Schedule automatic database backups and store them anywhere (AWS S3, CloudFlare R2, you name it)

NextJS Icon

NextJS compatible

Self hosting a NextJS app is a breeze, we will see how to configure it properly and optimize it

Learn to create your own platform

We'll see how to manage your apps, databases, backups, logs and more by deploying a simple and intuitive UI to manage them.


One-click install of all the apps you need to get started

What you will learn in this course

Our course will help you pick a server and set it up automatically, recommendations for the best apps to install, security protections and detailled explanations on how to maximize your performances and more!


Course is fully searchable, making it easy to use as a companion

Course coming soon! 🚀

In the meantime, subscribe to our mailing list to get notified when we launch!